Arabic pie with smoked salmon (flavored cream cheese, lime zest,...
Arabic pie with roasted chicken (mayonnaise, lola lettuce, fresh onion...
Bagel roll (Roasted vegetables, olive oil and balsamic cream)
Mortadella (ciabatta with fig and dried fruit, wild rocket, goat...
Salmon (traditional baguette with French malt, iceberg lettuce, wild radish,...
Sygklino ham (traditional baguette with feta cheese, Monemvasia's sygklino ham,...
Prosciutto (olive ciabatta with fresh mozzarella,prosciutto, cherry tomatoes and basil...
Traditional (olive ciabatta with tomato, feta cheese, pepper, olive oil...
Spiniata (lettuce, spicy spiniata, sheep milk graviera cheese and cherry...
Turkey (baguette ficelle with lola lettuce, emedal cheese, turkey, tomato...
Tuna mix (flaxseed ciabatta with lettuce, cream cheese, tuna mix...
Chicken mix (turmeric ciabatta with iceberg lettuce, cream cheese and...
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